Deepfakes are non-consensually AI-generated voices, images, or videos that a reasonable person would mistake as real. Deepfakes are used for sexual imagery, fraud, or misinformation.
Deepfake technology is rapidly advancing and uses deep learning algorithms to create convincing and deceptive content.
Deepfakes can steal your face, your voice, and your identity.
They are often used to create sexually abusive material, commit fraud, and harass individuals.
Anyone with internet access can make a deepfake of whoever they want.
All they need is one photo of you or a 10 second voice clip.
of deepfake videos are sexually abusive
Only 42% of Americans know what a deepfake is
Watermarking attempts to identify AI generated images and videos with digital imprints.
It is simply impossible to create watermarks that cannot be removed easily by AI.
We need solutions that actually work.
Legislative change is essential to keep humanity in control of deepfakes.
As a member of the public, the best thing you can do is to express your concern about deepfakes to your local representative.
In the media